How ‘Seymour’ simplifies building your website

May 25, 2018

Seymour is our platform for automating your data collection and publication process. It can be integrated into an existing website, or as we will suggest here, it can become the core of your new website, and remove the need to develop the most complex part of the project.

You might be a fund manager wanting to display unit prices and performance on a public website, or a marketer wishing to chart search results on an Intranet, such as impressions and clicks. The applications are very broad, and Seymour will become an indispensable tool for anyone who needs to transfer data efficiently and reliably from files to publication, via a secure and flexible cloud-based database.

If you intend to publish data and charts on your website, you can achieve this easily using embeddable tables and charts, which can be customised to fit your look-and-feel.

All of this works well if you just want import and publish data to your existing site, but how can Seymour simplify building your website? The answer is to use Seymour as the core platform, and build either a bespoke or templated website to provide the usual branding and information, around the core Seymour processing.

Of course, you still have the work of designing and branding your new website, but by using Seymour at the core, you will avoid having to deal a number of aspects to the development:

  • Polling for relevant emails received
  • Extracting data files from the email
  • Identifying data sheet formats
  • Reading in and checking data
  • Data storage and availability
  • Publishing data

All of these aspects of the development can be challenging, particularly the extraction of data, and may take a while to get right, hence risking delays in launching the site.

Using Seymour, you will be able to simply set up the data structure once, point to where it is to be published, and start running the automatic process!

If you’d like to learn more about our Seymour product, feel free to call Lawrence on 02 9993 3300 or email

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