Author Archives for Lawrence McCrossen

‘Real-Life’ Mistakes in Project Management: Part 3


April 19, 2017 8:51 am | Leave your thoughts

Part 3: Planning and the ‘Long Tail’ At The Bridge we both manage and consult on website and software development projects for many industries, including financial markets, media, automotive, and government. Whatever the industry, I’ve noticed a number of recurring pitfalls. Note that I’m assuming at least a basic level of project management, for example...

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‘Real-Life’ Mistakes in Project Management: Part 1


April 11, 2017 8:42 am | Leave your thoughts

Part 1: Content and Stakeholders At The Bridge we both manage and consult on website and software development projects for many industries, including financial markets, media, automotive, and government. Whatever the industry, I’ve noticed a number of recurring pitfalls. Note that I’m assuming at least a basic level of project management, for example a plan,...

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The New Payments Platform


December 23, 2016 4:18 pm | Leave your thoughts

You may have heard about it over the past few years. Launch is planned for the second half of 2017 and interest is certainly heightened. I won’t provide an explanation of the concept here – the New Payments Platform Australia website launched in December provides plenty clear information and many useful references and videos....

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5 Ways to Spec a System


October 20, 2016 4:00 pm | Leave your thoughts

You’ve decided you need a system developed, or perhaps a new website. What next? How do you turn your business objectives into clear instructions for software developers to create a system that will fulfil your needs? 1  Write a Spec The traditional approach is still used widely. Sometimes it’s used in conjunction with other approaches,...

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Introducing ‘Seymour’


September 23, 2016 3:49 pm |

Seymour is simple solution to a common problem – how to move data held in spreadsheets onto your website in an automated way. The graph below was produced by Seymour. The Problem For years we’ve seen organisations such as Fund Managers go through a manual daily process of receiving Unit Price and performance data from...

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Your Software Applications – Build or Buy?


August 20, 2016 3:10 pm | Leave your thoughts

  We often meet businesses looking for a system that will help their business, but they aren’t sure whether to go out and review what’s in the marketplace, or look to develop their own. These days of course, virtually all businesses use off-the-shelf technology for their general needs such as email and collaboration, accounting, timesheets,...

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